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NOTICE: NeoPets recently changed their network, so at times image loading may be broken. You may have noticed that "tilesetting" petpages no longer work for that reason. On this page, image requests are delayed by 1 second each, which seems to be enough to avoid being limited (so 100 names = 100 seconds to check).

Change the URL parameters in the URL bar and go, then wait for the page to finish loading. Names/images will disappear as they load depending on your chosen setting. If it seems not to be working, click here to reset the URL. Also make sure that images from and are allowed.

Parameter Purpose Examples
howMany number of names to check 25
showNamesThatAre taken OR untaken untaken
exclude letters to not use zqxu1
format format for names cvcvcv
prefix added to beginning of name format, follows format yyy
suffix added to end of name format, follows format yyy
stuck uses a random prefix from all current stuck name prefixes
setting this to true will ignore prefixes set by the prefix parameter

Character Selects from
c consonants
v vowels
y vowels OR consonants (vowels and consonants equally likely)
w, l, x letters (each letter equally likely)
d, n numbers
r letters and numbers
u letters, numbers, and underscore
o letters, numbers, underscore, and blank
s same as previous character

To generate names in multiple formats, add a pipe | between each format — like vccvcv|cvcvcv|dddd

Prefixes and suffixes may also have multiple formats

Add a period . before a character to force that character — like .m.y._cvcv._.c.a.t

A brief list of examples:

Create a pet page

Saved names — will be remembered even if you close the page (and your browser is not set to delete data on close):

(drag bottom-right corner to resize)

If you have a list of names you want to check, paste them here. One name per line.

Select search engine:

Go to top of list

NeoQuest, NeoQuest images, and Neopets Copyright © 2000-2025 NeoPets, Inc. All rights reserved.

Neoquest.Guide ("this site") is an unofficial Neopets fan site and is not affiliated with nor endorsed by NeoPets, Inc. This site is provided for free to the user ("you") and may have its contents modified or removed at any time without notice. Guide content, strategy information, and other original material is copyright © 2022-2025 NeoQuest.Guide.

This site does not use cookies. There is no advertising or tracking on this site. Your IP address and anonymized HTTP referrer information is stored for analytics purposes and may be stored indefinitely. This site does not share any of your information with any third parties.

When using /namegen, this site connects to and its content provider ( to load images. When your browser makes image requests to, it automatically sends the cookies associated with your logged-in account. However, this site cannot access any of that data.

If you have questions, comments, or criticisms, please contact

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Last updated 2023-09-13

I have not seen any updates regarding the bug that occured in August. In other news, NeoQuest.Guide now has complete data on monsters, items, and skills. Data includes probabilities, max hits, drop chances, and more information not visible to the player during the course of the game.

Last updated 2023-09-05

A user's ticket received the reply by Alice W. confirming that all users were affected and that game data will not be recovered, but no official announcement has been made.

Last updated 2023-08-26

On 2023 August 24, a bug occured that reset the NeoQuest progress of every account.

Usually, games inactive for 1 year are cleared. The bug caused all games, even active ones, to be cleared.

Game data is unlikely to be recovered.

The Neopets Team has yet to comment on the incident.

Here is a Neoboards thread with posts by those affected.

Here is a reddit post detailing the incident.