Neopets Dark is a userstyle that works for the latest Neopets site, but it doesn't have to be "dark". You can customize it as you wish.
Updates are made as I use the site and find pages that need tweaking. I have made an effort to style most pages, but there may be un-styled elements. Have you found an issue or something that needs attention? Please contact me by email (found at the bottom of this page) or find me on Discord (name: xiao_xiongmao).
First, install Stylus for your browser: Firefox, Chrome and Edge
Stylus is a "recommended" Firefox add-on and a "featured" Chrome extension. Stylus works the same way you customize your userlookup: with CSS. It is safe to use and poses no risk to your account.
Install the style on this page. The "install" button is under the image. Alternatively, click here to install it directly.
When you install the style, you'll be given options to customize it.
These options are saved even if the style is updated (automatic updates should be enabled, as this style is a work-in-progress).
These options can easily be changed later:
The userstyle will NOT style userlookups, user galleries, petlookups, or ~petpages, but it will style user shops. To remove user code from user shops, you can install my userscript Remove User Code from Shops (requires userscript addon, read more here).
You can disable user NeoBoards fonts in your NeoBoards settings. Go here to change your NeoBoards settings.